Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Appiah's Cosmopolitanism

According to the Hoover Instituition, Cosmopolitans acknowledge that we sometimes must give the local and our loved ones an extra measure of concern because it may be the only practical way to do good in the world. But they nevertheless insist that our identities as human beings, first and foremost, place real and substantial demands upon us. We cannot think our own parents and children are better than or superior to anyone else’s parents and children, even if we can be justified in loving one set more than the next. In Appiah's Cosmoplitanism, we SHOULD be aware of our what is going on throughout our entire supply chain, even if it is in another country. In a so called "global economy", why are more companies not looking into these problems more in depth. I think that it is about time that companies such as GM step up to the plate. I personally would have never thought that that far down the chain, slavery and no wage workers still exist. I think it is sad that pig iron is in such high demand in the US that so many children and adults are losing their life...It is becuase of us in America and all the money we have that our economy is in a sense supporting these horrible work conditions.

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