Sunday, November 18, 2007


The story of Enron pisses me off every time I hear about it! I still to this day cannot believe that those guys were able to ruin such a large, successful company. The story hits especially close to me because my Dad worked for a company that a similiar thing happened to in 2002. My dad was let go from WorldCom after 23 years of service, and also my senior year in High School. When I watched the video in class and saw the thousands of people that lost their life savings, I totally understood their pain. My dad lost 23 years worth of 401K and savings. What Enron did was completly unethical. The sad thing about the whole situation is that they laughed the whole time they knew Enron was going down the tubes. I think it serves Jeff and everyone involved to be in Jail. One thing I will never understand is how so many well-known banks were involved in such an act of dishonest and utterly disgusting act of greed. I often wonder what the world would be like if money was not such a sign of status. I wonder why there were not whistle blowers earlier than there was, maybe if someone would have stepped in and looked at their financial reports, if this could have been stopped. I cannot imagine working for a company like this.

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