Monday, October 1, 2007

Doing the Right Thing

Before picking up this book, I knew what ethics was but I had no idea that there were so many different theories. Many of the theories I have heard of such as Aristotles theory known as the golden mean. I personally think that ethics is something that people should be taught growing up. When parents raise children they either choose to be good parents and instill good morals or they slack and some children are raised without morals. I think the end result can lead to unethical or ethical decisions in the business world. Especially in PR it is important to be well equipped to be able to make better ethical decisions. I also find it interesting how chapter 1 discussed the PRSA code of ethics and how they seem to be a little broad. I think being a PR practicioner is going to be even harder than a medical practicioner just because like the book said, we have no 'laws' or
'regulations' to follow. We are supposed to make informed, ethical decisions based on the organization, community, and our own ethics. I think all of this is easier said than done. I think to be a great PR practicioner it will take many years of guidance to and experience to decide which of the approaches would be the best one under certain circumstances. Ethics is simply the study of right and wrong behavior, in a crazy world, we have to remember that we must keep these above all other things like money and profit.

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